
EllisDon Appoints First Exemplary Safety Leader

Every year, EllisDon has recognized project personnel for their contributions to improving our safety culture and performance. It is also important to recognize that our Safety Team members are key contributors to our area and project safe work performance successes.In December 2017, EllisDon sought out to formally recognize a Safety Team member for outstanding safety leadership through mentorship, ambassadorship, and contributions to continually improve our safety culture. This campaign accepted nominations from across the country, and many noteworthy nominees were put forward.It is with great pleasure that we announce that Greg Scollan was selected as the first recipient of this distinction.Since coming to EllisDon in 2012, Greg has demonstrated exemplary leadership and dedication towards the betterment of the EllisDon safety culture. With over ten years in the construction industry, Greg has used his experience and adaptable leadership in achieving excellence for himself, his team, and EllisDon as a whole.In addition to this, he continues to extend his influence and time into the Ottawa area community with his involvement in the local Labour Management Committee and Ottawa Public Health’s Smoking Cessation Program. Greg will be attending the CSSE’s annual conference in Niagara Falls in September 2018 in recognition of his achievement. We are very fortunate and proud to have him on our team.Great work, Greg.