K+S Potash Administration & Maintenance Building

Constructing image

  • Client

    K+S Potash Canada GP

  • Area Office


  • Year Completed


  • Size

    144,000 sq. ft.

  • Sectors



  • Sub-Sector


The Story

This project involved the construction of two buildings - a two storey administration building of approx. 54,000 SF sq. ft. steel structure and clad with metal insulated siding, and a partial two storey maintenance/control room/
laboratory/office Building of approximately 89,218 sq. ft.

Because this was a Potash Mine Site, the design criteria for finishes and protective coatings was unique due to the corrosive properties of the Potash material. The site was considered remote and was a campsite arrangement where the workers resided on site and work was completed 7 days a week on a staff rotation. This required complicated logistics, extensive coordination and very clear communication. The buildings were the primary buildings for staff
operating a $35B Mine Site Project.