Road Crossing 127th & 55th Street

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The Story

EDII worked with the Alberta Capital Region Wastewater Commission (ACRWC) to complete sorely needed upgrades to the sewer infrastructure of 127th St and 66th St in Edmonton. The existing system was built in the 1950’s and 60’s and had begun to degrade and fail. EDII worked to replace and modernize two sections of the system.

EDII Scope

127 Street Crossing

- 4 new manholes
- Replace 55.5 lm of the Outfall Sewer and 56.1 lm of the START sewer under 127 Street using open trenching
- Abandon and/or remove 4 existing manholes
- Construct, maintain and remove a temporary detour road and implement traffic control measures during closure of 127 Street
- Restoration of 127 Street and all other impacted land and features
- Environmental permit obtained through Stantec to operate in proximity to wetlands. ECO Plan completed and followed for the duration of the work

66 Street Crossing
- 5 new manholes
- Replace 1 manhole
- Rehabilitate 82 m of the existing 1050mm START sewer using slip lining
- Replace 97m of the Outfall sewer with a 1500 mm nominal internal diameter pipe using case bore trenchless construction methods
- Restoration of all impacted land and features
- Environmental permit obtained through Stantec to operate in proximity to wetlands. ECO Plan completed and followed for the duration of the work