The City of Windsor - Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant Expansion

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  • Client

    Corporation of the City of Windsor

  • Area Office


  • Year Completed


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• Utilizes UV Disinfection technology
• Receives wastewater from the Riverfront Interceptor Sewer, which services the original city core section of the City
• Administers physical chemical treatment for 155,000 meters cubed per day
• Produces partial treatment and chlorination for another 265,000 meters cubed per day of storm water

The Story

The Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant is located on an 18.6-hectare (46-acre) site on the southeast corner of Ojibway Park and Sandwich Street, with another 12.1 hectares (30 acres) located across the street, containing an ultimate plant capacity of 273,000 meters cubed per day.

The project involved the construction of a primary effluent station, including four screw pumps, and a biological aeration filtration secondary treatment process consisting of sixteen reinforced concrete filter cells, two reinforced concrete backwash water storage tanks, and one reinforced concrete backwash water supply tank. A new diesel generator building was constructed, which now houses two new diesel generators. Utility services included a high voltage power supply with related process, mechanical, and electrical works.

The Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant receives wastewater from the Riverfront Interceptor Sewer, servicing the original core section of the City. The second trunk sewer from the plant (Western-Grand Marais Sanitary Trunk) presently serves the existing and recently developed areas of South Windsor. Sewage treatment services are also provided for the nearby Town of LaSalle. The plant administers physical chemical treatment for 155,000 meters cubed per day, while producing partial treatment and chlorination for another 265,000 meters cubed per day of storm water coming from the combined sewers.

The facility utilizes UV Disinfection technology, which eliminates water-borne pathogens without using chlorine. This allows the building to meet stricter environmental protection standards, as the facility does not release any
toxic chemicals, leak any chlorine gas into the community or endanger any plant staff members. The use of UV Disinfection technology also allows the facility to save money.

Challenges & Solutions

Since the Lou Romano Water Reclamation Plant services the original core section of Windsor, South Windsor and the Town of LaSalle, EllisDon needed to ensure that any existing connections to these areas were not interrupted. The EllisDon team worked with the owner, consultants and Authorities Having Jurisdiction to ensure that their construction scheduling worked for each individual area and did not impact stakeholder services.

Integrating a proprietary system with a conventional sewage treatment design created additional challenges. The BAF system from Degremont reduced the size of the plant, but it was a new technology to the industry, so it created further challenges. The team overcame these challenges by completing numerous mock-ups, and adding additional time for testing and commissioning to allow for repairs and possible redesigns of some components.