West Memorial Building Rehabilitation

building image - low angle

  • Client

    Public Works & Government Services Canada

  • Region

    Ottawa, ON

  • City


  • Year Completed


  • Size

    400,191 sq. ft.

  • Sector


  • Sub-Sector

    Public & Government

The Story

The West Memorial Building Rehabilitation project involves the revitalization of a government-built facility that honours Canadians who served the country during the Second World War. The project involves updating the building to accommodate the daily operations of occupants within the Supreme Court of Canada Building, who will occupy the West Memorial Building from 2023 to 2028.

The scope of the project includes:

• Major rehabilitation of heritage fabric, including exterior walls, windows and interior finishes;
• Major rehabilitation of mechanical, electrical and life safety systems;
• Modernization of information technology, multimedia and security systems;
• Seismic upgrading to current building code requirements; and
• Interior fit-up for occupants of the Supreme Court of Canada Building.

Once the Supreme Court of Canada Building is renovated and able to accommodate its occupants, the interior of the West Memorial Building will be fit-up as long-term office space for future federal government occupants.