
TD Future Cities Centre Net Zero Carbon Construction Report

In June, 2016, EllisDon launched its low Carbon Agenda. This included a commitment to share best practices in high performance buildings and low carbon design and construction. The redevelopment of the historic kiln building at Evergreen Brick Works, now named the TD Future Cities Centre, serves as an example of what’s possible when you take a holistic view towards creating a carbon-neutral construction project.“Well before the lights of a building come on, a significant amount of carbon has already been emitted through the materials used to construct the building. EllisDon is investing in finding innovative, cost effective ways to reduce the ‘embodied carbon’ footprint of a building and is committed to sharing best practices learned” says Clare Ashbee, Vice President, Sustainable Building Solutions, EllisDon. The new TD Future Cities Centre is a dynamic year-round space to showcase and celebrate ideas and solutions on thriving and sustainable cities from across Canada and the world.The Centre is a national hub for Future Cities Canada, an initiative that brings together people, platforms and innovations from across sectors to find new ways to address the challenges facing cities.In partnership with Mantle314, Evergreen, The University of Toronto, and EllisDon, the Net Zero Carbon Construction Report was created for developers, architects, engineers, designers and construction managers to learn about whole life carbon and how addressing this at the earliest stages of the project planning can slash your carbon footprint for minimal costs.The report provides:

  • Practical insights into what a robust approach to embodied carbon looks like, from accounting processes to help you calculate embodied carbon, to carbon savings from reusing building materials to going beyond structural and envelope materials,
  • Key learnings from the project including a checklist of ways to understand, quantify, reduce and offset your next project’s embodied carbon footprint, and,
  • An understanding of how the urgency of the climate crisis over the next decade will likely drive new regulation and the business case for companies to start managing the embodied carbon of all new buildings and infrastructure projects.

To read the full report, click HERE.