
403 Thompson Road Opens to the Public

EllisDon Community Builders (EDCB) is pleased to announce the official opening of 403 Thompson Road.

This four-storey apartment building offers a total of 44 affordable homes, thoughtfully equipped with convenient amenities like laundry facilities, a common room, and ample parking space for vehicles and bicycles. It has been specifically designed to cater to the housing needs of marginalized groups, including Black Canadians, individuals facing homelessness or at risk of it, Indigenous Peoples, as well as women and their children seeking refuge from violence.

This project was made possible through a collaborative effort led by EllisDon, in partnership with the Housing Development Corporation, London (HDC London), under the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation's (CMHC) Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI). The initiative's primary objective is to provide stable, affordable, and secure housing for Londoners at risk of experiencing homelessness, and will be operated by Indwell, a supportive housing agency.

The successful completion of this endeavor was a team effort, involving multiple departments within EllisDon and close collaboration with the City of London. EDCB,a division within EllisDon that provides development management services for clients who wish to deliver affordable housing to their communities, spearheaded this joint initiative, working hand in hand with the City to ensure the project adhered to the strict timelines of the RHI program.