
EllisDon to Hold Carbon Impact Initiative Workshop in Downtown Toronto this Week

Toronto, February 2, 2016 – EllisDon, Cement Association of Canada, WSP, BASF, Cricket Energy and Enbridge are partnering up to host a workshop for Construction/Construction Services industry leaders as well as both Federal and Provincial Government representatives. This workshop will take place at the Ontario Investment and Trade Centre between 9:30am and 4:00pm on Thursday, February 4th, 2016. The objective of the workshop is to spark constructive conversation aimed towards reducing the carbon impact from the construction, renovation and operation of commercial buildings.With the Federal Government of Canada committing $70 Billion of funding to low carbon emitting infrastructure, transportation and social housing, EllisDon and other industry leaders have an opportunity to be proactive and create an action plan to help reach and surpass Canada's climate change commitments. Recently, at the COP 21 on Climate Change, 195 nations agreed to combat climate change and keep global temperature increases of this century below two-degrees Celsius.UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said: "We have entered a new era of global cooperation on one of the most complex issues ever to confront humanity. For the first time, every country in the world has pledged to curb emissions, strengthen resilience and join in common cause to take common climate action." Ki-moon goes on to say, "this is a resounding success for multilateralism."Geoff Smith, CEO and President of EllisDon said, "A global strategy for EllisDon refers to our changing role in the world, and our growing determination to lead change rather than merely anticipate it."Andrew Bowerbank, Director of Sustainable Building Services at EllisDon said, "to meet our international climate change commitments, public and private sector leaders will need to work together. And with buildings accounting for 40% of global carbon emissions (according to the United Nations), we believe we have a responsibility and an opportunity to create an action plan to deliver results."Notable Attendees: Allison Minato (VP Sustainability, Minto), Alex Wood (Executive Director, Ontario Ministry of Environment and Climate Change), Gilles Jean (Director General, Natural Resources Canada), Lisa Prime (Director, Waterfront Toronto), Ann Buller (President, Centennial College), Marie Lyne Tremblay (Director General, Natural Resources Canada), Jamie Milner (Director, Enbridge), Jim Johnston (Director, BMO), Valerie Chort (SVP Sustainability, RBC), Marta Blackwell (Director, Canadian Council for the Americas), Christopher Walker (Director, World Business Council for Sustainable Development)Industry leaders that will be in attendance include, but are not limited to Deloitte, the Province of Ontario, Sustainable Buildings Canada and the Chartered Professional Accountants Association of Canada.