
Step Up Challenge 2016 Wraps Up in Calgary

Calgary — The 2016 Step Up Challenge made its third and final stop this past weekend in Calgary, where our team raised over $13,000 for Prostate Cancer Canada.

Calgary Escalators (ED Calgary team) / Photo courtesy of Rocco Rossi @roccorossiTOAltogether, the three areas (Vancouver, Calgary, Toronto) have raised over $55,000 throughout the three-week challenge. EllisDon 'Corporate' is matching that with an additional $40,000, bringing the grand total to $95,000. In addition to being the top fundraiser in Vancouver, the EllisDon team also clocked in with the fastest time. A big thank you to Stacia Van Zetten, Keeli Husband Sarah Koroluk and David McFarlane for all their fundraising work. Funds raised from the Step Up Challenge go toward prostate cancer research and initiatives in Canada. You can still donate and learn more HERE.